Established in 2011, Pepper Leaf was designed for individuals wanting to reach the next level of their career or communicate more effectively but require assistance navigating that path.

A Word from the CEO

Throughout my professional careers as a sales manager, small business owner, and public speaking coach I have had countless requests by colleagues and friends to assist them in the interview process. Helping them organize their specific strengths and skill sets allowed them to clearly and convincingly articulate their story. As an interviewer, I observed and noted that which differentiates a great interview from an average one. And as a speaking coach, I understand what separates a great communicator from ‘meh’.  Communication, focus, style, and presentation differentiates one from the other. What began as a gesture of friendship quickly grew when I discovered a much larger audience could benefit from the "method" I had developed. 

Make yourself stand out with the 3P Method


The Pre-Interview Process

Everyone has a personal brand. Your story, your brand, needs to be memorable. Unique. Concise. Pepper Leaf assists you in discovering your brand and communicating that story. During this pre-interview phase we will spend time unearthing the skills and experience that translate into interview gold. Pepper Leaf will help you find your authentic voice and bring it to life in full color. 


The interview doesn't end when the interview ends. 

Follow up with a thank you email or letter within 24 hours of the interview. In the thank you letter, include the skills you discussed and underscore the reasons that you would be a good fit for the position and company.  Stay on the interviewer’s radar and call or email to follow up as to the hiring decision. This is your chance to stand out from the crowd and reinforce what makes you the best candidate. Keep your momentum - continue your 3P's with another employer in mind. If you get the job - GREAT! However, if you don't you will be ready to land your next interview. 


This is your opportunity to make a great first impression!

You are seated at the Interview Table, virtually or otherwise. Initially you may be asked to review aspects of each position in your resume. Speak to the skills, responsibilities, and successes. You will be provided the opportunity to ask questions that you have PREPARED. You will also have an opportunity to summarize and highlight your job fitness and readiness. Be the closer!

Want to learn more about applying the 3Ps?

Don't take our word for it though, read our clients stories here.